Suigetsu 2006 Project - update info. *28 Sep., 2024 Unpublished data / Analytical results / Pollen analysis / Low-resolution scanning of the whole core updated. *15 Feb., 2024 Stratigraphy and correlation model / SG06 correlation data for LF/LFduo updated. *12 Feb., 2024 Stratigraphy and correlation model / SG06/SG14 complete package of correlation data updated. *11 Feb., 2024 Unpublished data / Analytical results / Package for LF updated. Unpublished data / Analytical results / Combined pollen data for LF updated. *07 Feb., 2023 Unpublished data / Analytical results / Itrax XRF scanning / Updates added. *17 Apr., 2022 Stratigraphy and correlation model / Correlation model updated. LevelFinder updated (ver. 7.7.3). *30 Nov., 2019 SG06 complete package of correlation data updated. Correlation data for LF/LFduo updated. *01 Sep., 2019 LevelFinder updated (ver. 7.7.1). *09 Jul., 2019 LevelFinder updated (ver. 7.6.9). *19 Apr., 2019 Itrax XRF scannin/Elemental data (original cps data in holy trinity format) added. *18 Apr., 2019 Public domain software updated. *04 Apr., 2019 Stratigraphy and correlation model updated. *14 Nov., 2017 LevelFinder updated (ver. 7.6.7). *06 Jun., 2017 Analytical results for LevelFinder updated. *26 May, 2017 Full data for whole section (flux) of Diatom analysis added. *01 Mar., 2017 LevelFinder updated (ver. 7.6.2). SG06 complete package of correlation data updated. Correlation data for LF/LFduo updated. *20 Apr., 2016 LevelFinder updated (ver. 7.0.7). *02 Mar., 2016 SG06 complete package of correlation data updated. *10 Feb., 2016 LevelFinder updated (ver. 6.0.8). SG06 complete package of correlation data added. *15 Jul., 2015 Correlation data for LF/LFduo added. *01 Jul., 2015 LevelFinder updated (ver. 6.0.7). *10 Jun., 2015 Portal page of Suigetsu Varved Sediment Core Projects opened. Suigetsu 2006 Project page separated. *06 October 2011 Potsdam meeting minutes (pdf) uploaded. *27 March 2011 Fell Fund Grant application uploaded. *26 February 2011 Several datafiles added/updated following Glasgow meeting. Glasgow meeting minutes added. *26 October 2010 List of event layers updated (ver. 03. Sep. 2010) Publications updated. *31 August 2010 Japan meeting group photos aded. NERC consortium grant concept note adde. Lamina visibility index data, shard concentration data, and biomarker data added. *01 July 2010 Japan meeting shared photos added *16 June 2010 Shard concentration data suspended 1mm and 60 micron resolution XRF data added *01 June 2010 Age-depth model updated (ver. 19 May 2090) Shard concentration data added Varve counts updated (ver. 12 May 2010) Combined pollen and climate data added Compound specific chemistry and isotope data added XRF element and grayscale data added Microfacies data added Dust data added *30 May 2010 Japan meeting program updated Japan meeting minutes added *06 May 2010 Age-depth model updated (ver. 06 May 2090) *23 Mar., 2010 Link to JSPS funding opportunities web page. *05 Jan., 2010 LevelFinder updated (ver.4.3.3). *04 Jan., 2010 Pearson et al. 2009 AGU poster uploaded. *25 Dec., 2009 Schlolaut et al. 2009 Radiocarbon poster upoloaded. *09 Oct., 2009 Aber meeting minutes and group photos uploaded. *26 Aug., 2009 Aber meeting programme draft-1 uploaded. *26 Aug., 2009 Correlation model updated (ver. 24 Aug. 2009). *28 Jul., 2009 3D maps uploaded. *18 Jul., 2009 LevelFinder updated (ver. 4.0.3). *15 Jul., 2009 Diatom data updated. *15 Jul., 2009 LevelFinder updated (ver. 4.0.2). *23 Jun., 2009 Columnar photos (composite depth) updated. *23 Jun., 2009 LevelFinder 4.0.1 uploaed. *02 Jun., 2009 Tephra age updated. *27 May, 2009 Google maps link added. *26 May, 2009 Diatom data uploaded. *26 May, 2009 Physical and geochemical data depth corrected. *19 May, 2009 Macro remains gallery updated. *12 May, 2009 Temporary age-depth model uploaded. *07 May, 2009 LevelFinder 3.5.2 uploaded. *21 Apr., 2009 Lamina number on A-02 30-68 cm ammended. *18 Mar., 2009 LevelFinder 3.5.0 suspended. LevelFinder 3.0.1 was made available again. *17 Mar., 2009 Correlatio model was revised. *17 Mar., 2009 LevelFinder 3.5.0 uploaded. Link to the older versions were removed *12 Mar., 2009 Varve counts by XRF scanner and thin section uploaded. *12 Mar., 2009 Webpage minor revision. *11 Mar., 2009 Potsdam meeting: minutes uploaded. *10 Mar., 2009 Radiocarbon dates updated (New data added). *26 Feb., 2009 Minor fixes (biome data). *25 Feb., 2009 Radiocarbon dates updated (OX and RCL annexed). Biomization results and report uploaded. *23 Feb., 2009 XGT data uploaded. *19 Feb., 2009 Be-10 data uploaded. *17 Feb., 2009 Webpage modified. *16 Feb., 2009 Physical data uploaded. Chemical and isotope data uploaded. *05 Feb., 2009 NERC small grant proposal (by Emma and Takeshi) uploaded. *22 Jan., 2009 Maps uploaded. Photos by Horiuchi uploaded (Suigetsu Hilton was gone). *19 Jan., 2009 Potsdam meeting programme uploaded. DFG grant proposal (by Pavel and Achim) uploaded. Conference poster uploaded. *13 Jan., 2009 LevelFinder updated (now version 3.01). *28 Oct., 2008 LGIT high resolution pollen data, climate reconstruction and stratigraphy uploaded. *22 Oct., 2008 LGIT high-resolution pollen data (17 Oct. '08 version) uploaded. *18 Oct., 2008 Publications section in a new page. *04 Jun., 2008 Macro remains description updated. *02 Jun., 2008 Macro remains photo gallery updates. *30 May, 2008 14C dataset (OX version) updated. 14C dataset (RCL version) uploaded. *21 May, 2008 Newcastle meeting: phptos uploaded. Vial bottoms gallery updated. *05 May, 2008 Newcastle meeting: files uploaded. *24 Apr., 2008 Macro remains photogallery uploaded. *22 Apr., 2008 Presentation files uploaded (18-19 Apr. 2008, Newcastle). Proposals updated. *14 Apr., 2008 LevelFinder updated (ver. 2.02). *08 Feb., 2008 Tephrostratigraohy updated. *05 Nov., 2007 Radiocarbon dates uploaded. *30 Oct., 2007 Pollen data and the preliminary results uploaded. *27 Sep., 2007 Minor updates for macro remains. *17 Aug., 2007 Quick tour available for novice users. *11 Aug., 2007 Server PC replaced to a new one (2TB disks!). *08 Aug., 2007 Server PC crashed -It gave me nightmares. *07 Jun., 2007 In-situ colorimetric data uploaded. *04 Jun., 2007 Progress report on tephrostratigraphy uploaded. *14 May, 2007 Minor modification: favicon etc. *25 Apr., 2007 Security (slightly) enhanced (authentication, anti-robot search engine). *04 Apr., 2007 Minor corrections in index.html. *08 Feb., 2007 Major update: official version 3.0 released. *24 Jan., 2007 Official version 2.2 released. *16 Jan., 2007 Official version 2.1 released. *20 Dec., 2006 Official version 2.0 released. DVD dispatched to the project members. Unofficial versions removed. *27 Oct., 2006 Unofficial version 1.5 released. Minor corrections made. *11 Oct., 2006 Unofficial version 1.4 released. minor corrections made. *10 Oct., 2006 Unofficial version 1.3 released. V.1.3 = V.1.2 + updates for stratigraphy and composite depth data. DVD dispatched to the cammpaign members. *01 Oct., 2006 Unofficial version 1.2 released. V.1.2 = V 1.1 + stratigraphy and composite depth data updated. V.1.1 = removed. *27 Sep., 2006 Unofficial version 1.1 released. V.1.1 = V. 1.0 + stratigraphy and composite depth data under 0_info. V.1.0 removed to avoid confusion. *21 Sep., 2006 Unofficial version 1.0 released. --- EOF --- by Hitoshi Yonenobu and Takeshi Nakagawa